Dear Radio Friends;dear DX-Friend of RFA Andrew A.J.Janitschek,this is two my reception
reports on RFA's Mandarin Service which even here QTH:Moscow,is weirdly jammed by
China National Radio powerful in parallel signal;Date is 06 September,2014;Time -UTC/GMT
is 19.00-20.00;first frequency is 9745 kHz ,and second frequency is 9355 kHz;Program
details are The News;Commentries;Spoken feature;SINPO Rating is 4 2 5 4/3 2/3;Scraping is
strong because of CNR-jammer!!Please send me out your normal CARTON QSL
Verification-Confirmation CARD -NOT e-mail card!!At the following postal address:Mr.Sergey
M. Izyumov,Tchertanovskaya 1 - 1 - 156, RU-117208 MOSCOW M-208;The Federation Of Russia
(East Europe).
I have been DX-listening and DX-monitoring to RFE/RL,Inc. since 1974!!My SWL callsign is
UA-1038/RB.DXing,the scientific hobby for better world communication,friendship and good
will between the peoples of the world!!55,66,88&73!Good transmitting!Gog
Blessings!!Sincerely yours,Sergey M. Izyumov.So-called Siberia is REALLY a part Of ASIA
i.e.this is the Northern ASIA!!Radio Free ASIA!
05.09.2014, 17:10, "AJ Janitschek" <janitscheka(a)>rg>:
Dear friend,
Attached is the information about our latest QSL card. This design
commemorates RFA's 18th anniversary.
We hope you enjoy this new QSL card and we look forward to receiving
your reception reports through our automated reception report system or
by email. See the attached press release for more details.
You are receiving this because you have expressed interest in Radio Free
Asia's QSL cards. Please let us know if you would prefer to be removed
from our distribution list.
Best wishes. 73. aj
Andrew "A.J." Janitschek
Radio Free Asia
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