Interview: Trump-Kim Talks to be 'A Very Short Meeting' if Pyongyang Won't
Discuss Denuclearization
March 23, 2018 - John Bolton, the former U.S. ambassador to the UN, spoke to Jung Min Noh
of RFA’s Korean Service on March 19, just 3 days before the blunt-speaking lawyer was
named by President Donald Trump to serve as his new national security adviser, in a
telephone interview that focused on the North Korean nuclear weapons issue.
RFA: What do you think of President Trump’s decision to meet with North Korean leader Kim
Jong Un?
Bolton: Well it's obviously an unprecedented development and a very daring move, I
think, on the part of President Trump. The real issue is whether the regime in North
Korea, after talking for 25 years about its nuclear weapons program and committing on
numerous occasions to give up that program, really is prepared to have a serious
conversation or whether they're simply buying time to perfect the last stages of the
nuclear weapons program and their ballistic missile program. So my hope is that President
Trump can have a serious conversation with them about what the real objective should be
which is denuclearizing North Korea, and if they're not prepared to have that kind of
serious discussion, it could actually be a very short meeting.
RFA: You sound still skeptical about North Korea’s intentions in talking with President
Trump. Do you expect the summit to be successful?
Bolton: I don't know that the North Koreans ever really expected that President Trump
would accept the offer of a summit meeting and it's been some time now since the
president's decision was announced. We've heard nothing publicly from North Korea.
Now, maybe it's just an anomaly and perhaps the talks will go forward, but I think the
positive aspect that we could see here is it's a way to cut through six months twelve
months of preliminary negotiations. Let's have this conversation by May or even before
that and let's see how serious North Korea really is. They've made commitments
they’ve violated repeatedly in the past 25 years. I am skeptical that they're serious.
I think they were trying to buy time but they've made the offer, the president has
accepted, let's get on with it.
RFA: It is reported that you had a meeting with President Trump in early March. What sort
of opinions did you share on North Korea?
Bolton: I don't comment publicly on my meetings with the president but I have written
and spoken extensively on the North Korean threat. I think it's very dangerous, not
just in Asia and the Pacific, but I think worldwide. I believe if North Korea really did
have nuclear warheads and ballistic missile capabilities, they would sell them to anybody
with enough hard currency. They'd sell it to the Ayatollahs in Iran, they'd sell
it to terrorist groups like ISIS and al Qaeda, they'd sell it to any aspiring nuclear
weapons states. I think North Korea it really is a global threat and I think it has to be
treated with great concern and great caution.
RFA: That meeting (with Trump) was a day before the agreement to hold a U.S.-North Korea
summit was announced. Has there been any change in your views since then?
Bolton: The fact of North Korean interest in negotiations was made clear when they
accepted South Korea's invitation to show up for the Winter Olympics. I think it was a
mistake to understand that as anything other than North Korean propaganda, but it was
clear then they were seeking an opportunity to distract attention from just how close they
were to a capability to hit targets in North America with thermo-nuclear weapons. I think
the pattern that North Korea has followed for decades – the same pattern that Iran
followed – is that it used negotiations to camouflage their on-going nuclear and ballistic
missile efforts. I think we should not fall for that ploy again. I think we should insist
that if this meeting is going to take place, it will be similar to discussions we had with
Libya 13 or 14 years ago: how to pack up their nuclear weapons program and take it to Oak
Ridge, Tennessee, which is where the Libyan nuclear program. If it's anything other
than a conversation about how to do that, then I think it shows it's just camouflage
for North Korea to continue working toward its long-sought objective of deliverable
nuclear weapons.
RFA: What is your evaluation of CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who holds hawkish views on North
Korea, becoming the next secretary of state?
Bolton: I think he's a realist about North Korea. You know, North Korea has made many
commitments over the years to give up its nuclear weapons program and it's lied about
them every single time. They violated every commitment they've made on nuclear weapons
for the last 25 years. There's no reason to think that their behavior has changed. So
I hope the Senate confirms Mike Pompeo as soon as possible. I think it's important to
have a new secretary of state in place and I look forward to his leadership at the State
RFA: What is your advice to President Trump ahead of the talks with North Korea?
Bolton: I think he's very familiar with the history of North Korea's duplicity on
this subject. I don't think he has any illusions about this regime. I don't think
he wants to waste a lot of time talking to them without the prospect of success. You know
there a lot of considerations here but I believe that it could become very clear very
early in this meeting whether North Korea is serious or not or whether they're just
playing games, and so I think it's important if the president sees that they're
just looking for a way to waste time, that he make the point that he's not there to
waste time and that we expect real denuclearization, not talks about talks about
denuclearization, but concretely how we're going to eliminate their program as quickly
as possible. So if the meeting takes place, we'll see if that's the path that they
RFA: What should the U.S. be prepared to offer North Korea in exchange for
denuclearization? Economic aid? A peace treaty?
Bolton: I don't think we should offer them economic aid. That happened in the context
of the Agreed Framework, where they took the heavy oil shipments and yet did not dismantle
their nuclear program. There's no way we should give North Korea a peace treaty.
They're lucky to have a meeting with the president of the United States. I think if
they want economic progress for the people of North Korea, they should the end the charade
of a divided peninsula. They should ask for reunification with South Korea. That's the
best way to aid the people of North Korea.
RFA: If negotiations are not successful, there are concerns that the U.S. will turn to the
option of military action. As one who has argued for military action, what is your
proposed course of action in the event of failed talks?
Bolton: Let me be very clear. I don't favor military action to eliminate the North
Korean nuclear program. Nobody wants to see that happen, but I also believe that it's
a mistake to leave North Korea with nuclear weapons. And yet they are very close to
achieving that objective. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dunford said
last summer that he thought it was unimaginable to leave North Korea with nuclear weapons.
That's the way I feel, too. We we've had 25 years of efforts at carrots and sticks
with North Korea. They have played the West and the United States like a violin, and
they've used that time to make considerable progress toward the objective of
deliverable nuclear weapons. So President Trump has unattractive options in front of him,
because he's inherited 25 years of failure, so that he doesn't have much time.
Somebody said, you know, we can't kick the can down the road any further because there
isn't any road left.
RFA: Experts who talk with North Korea say there is not enough time to prepare for summit
talks with North Korea. What do you think?
Bolton: We have plenty of experts. The kind of expert we need really is less about North
Korea, and more about nuclear weapons. I think we've got plenty of time. I think
it's a mistake to treat this like a normal summit meeting, with months and months of
preparation by lower-level people. We know what the subject is here, at least from the US
point of view: It's North Korea eliminating, dismantling its nuclear weapons program
and, as I say, we'd be happy to store the program in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. That's
what the conversation ought to be about. If it's about anything else, it's a waste
of time.
RFA: What are your thoughts about the inter-Korea summit talks scheduled for April and do
you have any advice for South Korea ahead of this meeting?
I think the people of South Korea are very divided about how to treat North Korea. Many
obviously support the current government in South Korea, but many others are deeply
distrustful of anything the government of North Korea says. So I think everybody in South
Korea, for their own peace and security, has to be very dubious about North Korea's
commitment to anything that it says. And so that that is a word of caution to the
government of South Korea before they agree to anything with North Korea.
Using military action to solve the North Korean nuclear issue is on the table but it
presents many problems and the South Korean government is against this. Do you see
military action as part of the solution to the North Korean problem?
Nobody wants to use military force, but I think sensible people don't want to see this
bizarre regime in North Korea with nuclear weapons, not only because of the threat they
pose but the threat that those weapons would be sold to others all around the world. So
military action is very dangerous, but I think it's more dangerous if North Korea has
a nuclear capability.
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