Contact: Rohit Mahajan 202 530 4976 <>
Radio Free Asias Gutter Oil Video Goes Viral
Exposé Part of China Food Safety Series
WASHINGTON, DC Radio Free Asias shocking video
<> exposé on Chinas black market
production of gutter oil has gone viral on social media and websites
around the world. The video, part of RFAs investigative series
<> on food
safety in China, has reached more than 1.3 million views on YouTube, while
news organizations, bloggers, and social media users have picked it up and
shared it online with their audiences, networks, and friends.
Chinas ongoing struggle with food safety is obviously an issue of major
concern for our audience in China, as well as people around the world, said
Libby Liu, President of Radio Free Asia. The popularity of RFAs video
demonstrates the want and need for investigative reporting, especially in
places that, like China, aggressively restrict press freedoms.
The video, originally produced by RFAs Cantonese Service, shows rare
footage of Chinas black market production of gutter oil. The substance is
first harvested as a waste product from grease traps and sewers before being
processed in plants that mix it with animal fat and other products. The
finished product is eventually sold to street food vendors, restaurants, and
hotels to be used as cooking oil. RFAs Poisoned at the Source
<> , the series
in which the exposé first appeared, gives an up-close glimpse into food
production in China, focusing on practices in Guangdong Province. The series
includes videos on the making and selling of bogus soy milk
<> , the use of
toxic waste as a fertilizer <> for commercial
farming, and practices at an illegal slaughterhouse
<> . From deadly infant formula to the discovery
of thousands of dead pigs floating in a major river near Shanghai earlier
this year, Chinese consumers increasingly worry whether the food on their
tables is safe to eat, as do consumers and authorities in many countries to
which China exports.
RFAs video has been posted on popular social media site Reddit
_food_made_from/> , in addition to Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, where the
hashtag term #GutterOil was trending at one point among last weeks most
popular topics. News sites and blogs featuring RFAs video include
Washington Posts World Views blog
eat-street-food-in-china-again-after-watching-this-video/> ,
utter-oil-black-market-will-churn-your-stomach/7410/> The Atlantic, Reuters
-churn-your-stomach> , Mediaite
rigins-of-chinese-cooking-products/> ,
<> Duo Wei News,
-never-eat-food-in-china-again-cooking-oil-comes-from-sewers> Straits Times,
<> Korea
Times, HoaHoa Report
n-is-rife-in-china> , and Take Part
gutter-oil-industry> , among many others.
# # #
Radio Free Asia is a private, nonprofit corporation broadcasting and
publishing online news, information, and commentary in nine East Asian
languages to listeners who do not have access to full and free news media.
RFAs broadcasts seek to promote the rights of freedom of opinion and
expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information
and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. RFA is funded by
an annual grant from the Broadcasting Board of Governors.
Rohit Mahajan | Radio Free Asia | Media Relations Manager
<> mahajanr(a) | O: 202.530.4976 | M: